Monday, March 9, 2015


After many fitful starts and stops, I've decided, at the ripe old age of 53, to keep a sort of journal.Since it seemed boring to just open a text document in Open Office, I'll try my hand at blogging. Not that I actually have anything earth-shattering to say, or even vaguely interesting, but we'll give this a try and see where it goes. I'm lately ("lately" being the last 10 years) finding it hard to keep my mind on task. Not sure if this is Adult ADD, or I just don't give much of a crap.

I'm not really sure how to go about this blogging thing, because I'm not really sure I want (or expect) anyone else to read this or care.

I'm what I like to call a cynical optimist (or optimistic cynic?), which basically means I think that the overwhelming number of people are basically good-hearted and decent, but I want to beat the crap out of those rare few mouth-breathers that make life difficult for the rest of us. I had a client once tell me that one of his goals in life was to make the people around him miserable. I told him he was doing a damned fine job with me.  Unfortunately, after that, he decided I was the greatest thing since sliced bread and I was his "go-to" vet.

Oh, yeah. I'm a vet. A small animal veterinarian, to be exact. I've done small town practice where you learn a lot of seat of the pants medicine, and some creative improvising that they don't teach you in vet school. I've done slightly less small town (5 months of my life I'll never get back) where the toxic fumes oozed out of the practice (and by "toxic" I'm being metaphoric). More work in a small town where I still live, and will probably have my ashes scattered some day. Suburban practice where most clients' cars cost more than my first house. Shelter medicine (actually, just the surgery clinic), where I could just "get in the zone" all day and did more surgery in a year than I've done in the other 24 combined. ER work then rural/suburban and now ER again. (Did I mention the Adult ADD? Ooh. Shiny!)

One of these days I'll figure out what I want to be when I grow up. But not just yet.