Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Can You Hear Me Now?

So, for the last 2 years or so (Hey, Doc! What's the rush?) I've had a persistent ringing in my right ear. At first, I only noticed it as a sort of static noise when I'd turn the car off in the driveway after getting home. But over the last several months (year?) it's been getting more persistent, and is now constant.  Dr. Google says that tinnitus is *always* accompanied by hearing loss, and I was concerned that I might be missing things with my stethoscope. So off to the Audiologist and ENT I go. The Audiologist confirms that I have some drop off in my right ear at 6MHz and up. "Do you *think* you're missing sounds with your stethoscope?" Umm. How would I know I'm missing them if I CAN'T HEAR THEM???  ENT says it's unusual for unilateral issues, especially since I'm not a rifle shooter. We'll retest in 6 months and likely do an MRI if no change. So, 6 months passes with no improvement. When I made the recheck appointment, they didn't tell me that Dr. X had left the practice (not that it would have mattered to me) and I saw Dr. Y. Whom, I'm not sure read my record and basically said, "You're fine. Don't worry about it." Fast forward a couple weeks and I had my regular checkup with my Allergist. I mentioned the tinnitus to him and he was concerned enough to have me seen by yet another ENT, who scheduled an MRI, which I had last Wednesday. Which the nurse told me yesterday afternoon was fine. Except I can see a big blob of something in the LEFT inner ear, so she was going to have the doc call me today (probably while I'm trying to sleep).

Why do I get weird stuff?

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Well, aren't I Dr. Consitent

So much for this Trying To Post At Least Weekly idea. Oh well.

One of the things I have learned (not always well) in my almost 55 years is that I need to cut myself a break every now and then and realize that I don't have to be perfect all the time (I have a sister to take care of that for the family), it's okay to say No (still working on that lesson) and that most people (including me) are doing the best they can. Whether or not that's good enough, ya gotta work with what ya got.

That's all I got for profundity tonight.